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Cicadas 2024: Here's how to keep them out of your stuff

They're mostly harmless, but let's not invite them inside

Illustration of person indoors watching cicadas fly outside of their screened-in window Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

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Get ready for a bug symphony because a rare double brood of cicadas emerges from the soil this summer. These unique cicadas aren’t like the annual cicadas you may be familiar with—they’re called periodical cicadas and follow their own cycles.

After spending 13 or 17 years underground (depending on the brood), these cicadas emerge by the billions when temperatures warm. They then search for a mate using their signature call—a buzzing noise that can be similar in volume to the decibel level of a low-flying plane.

If you live in one of the parts of the country where the double cicada brood can be found, there's little to be done to keep them from hanging out on the trees around your home. And why would you? Cicadas are mainly harmless and can even benefit your garden health if you take the proper precautions.

But please, just don't let them in the house... Here's how you can keep periodical cicadas from getting into your stuff.

Patch up any holes around the home

Illustration of cicadas crawling on screen window that has a hole in it
Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

Repairing small holes in your screen windows and doors is an easy way to keep cicadas out.

If you’ve holes in your screen doors, windows, or pool caging, a few curious cicadas can pass through.

Don’t worry—cicadas are completely harmless. They don’t sting, bite, or carry diseases. They’re also pretty clumsy fliers, so they’re easy to scoop up and let back outside if they enter somehow.

Cicadas don’t have much interest in going indoors, experts at Michigan State University say. They also can’t breed while indoors, making any cicada infestation inside your home unlikely.

This being said, to keep the stray cicadas at bay, we recommend patching up any screening around your home with a screen repair kit if possible—this will also help prevent other backyard bugs like mosquitoes from getting in.

Product image of Screen Mend window screen repair kit
Screen Mend window screen repair kit

Patch up holes in screens and keep the bugs out.

at Amazon

Cover up your patio furniture

Illustration of umbrella covering a patio dining set from cicadas up in the trees
Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

Umbrellas or canopies are great ways to prevent any cicada excretion from landing on you or your patio furniture.

Suppose you have any patio furniture or chairs that sit underneath your trees. In that case, consider installing an umbrella or simply moving these items away from your tree line.

After cicadas fly, mate, and buzz about, female adult cicadas make their way to tree branches to lay their eggs, which hatch in about four to six weeks. So, they’ll be spending plenty of time overhead this summer.

Nicholas Martin, entomologist and founder of pest management blog Pest Control Hacks, recommends moving or covering your furniture simply because cicada waste may make its way onto it.

He says, “Cicadas drink tree xylem (also known as sap), which contains amino acids and minerals. In simple words, they need to pee after that.”

This excretion, also called cicada rain, isn’t harmful whatsoever and is commonly mistaken as drops of rainwater. Suppose you want to avoid this “rain” during your summertime lounging. In that case, we recommend setting up an umbrella or canopy over your outdoor furniture.

Product image of Best Choice Products steel pop-up canopy
Best Choice Products steel pop-up canopy

Take shelter from the cicada rain with this useful canopy.

at Wayfair

Prune trees and shrubs for less activity

Illustration of pruning shears next to a bush with cicadas flying around
Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

Pruning and trimming your trees will help detract cicadas from hanging out or lay eggs on them.

As mentioned, cicadas are attracted to trees for mating purposes. To lessen this attraction, you can prune and trim your trees and shrubs regularly. Not only does pruning help to keep cicadas away, but it’ll keep many other pests and insects at bay, not to mention generally keeping your trees healthy.

For small yet tough stems, twigs, and branches, try using the Felco 2 hand pruner, the best pruning shears we’ve ever tested. These will cut through half-inch diameter branches, making them an excellent tool for most garden pruning.

For larger branches on your trees, you may want to use a lopper for extra strength or a pole saw for tall, hard-to-reach pieces.

Be sure to practice caution if you’re not experienced in pruning more giant trees. Consider calling in an arborist if the job is too extensive or dangerous.

Product image of FELCO F-2 classic manual hand pruner
FELCO F-2 classic manual hand pruner

Clean cuts made this our top pick among hand trimmers.

at Amazon

Protect young trees and plantings

Illustration of young tree with garden netting protecting it from cicadas flying around
Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

Using garden nets will help protect young trees and plants from cicadas looking to lay eggs.

Female cicadas lay eggs through a fascinating process where they make small slits into the branch and then lay their eggs in them. While this process is harmless to adult trees, young trees may not be able to handle this weight.

Martin says you should cover any young trees you have with a garden net to properly protect them. You may also want to cover your garden, flowers, and any other small shrubbery around your property for good measure.

Ensure the net is adequately secured around the tree trunks to prevent the cicadas from flying upwards into the trees. Additionally, the net should fit snugly but not so tight that it begins to pull at the branches—ensure the branches are still hanging naturally when the net is placed.

Product image of De-Bird garden fencing
De-Bird garden fencing

Nets are the best solution for keeping out cicadas.

at Amazon

Use pool and hot tub covers

Illustration of hot tub covered up with cicadas flying around it
Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

Cicadas aren't looking to take a swim in your pool or hot tub—but if you don't cover up, there's a chance you may find some alive or dead in there during cicada season.

Cicadas won’t want to intentionally swim in your pool or hot tub, but there’s a chance they’ll accidentally land there.

Unfortunately, once a cicada lands in the pool, there’s a chance they won’t be able to escape. We recommend using covers to avoid it all, keep cicadas safe from the water, and save you from cleaning up deceased cicadas from your pool or hot tub.

This hot tub cover comes in several different sizes and keeps everything from hail, dust, and, of course, pests, out of the water. For a larger pool, this in-ground pool cover is easy to install and comes in several colors.

Product image of Ultcover waterproof polyester square hot tub cover
Ultcover waterproof polyester square hot tub cover

Seal your hot tub and keep the bugs away.

at Amazon

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