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Cindy Bailen

@orangesandlemon | [email protected]

Cindy Bailen loves writing about major appliances and home design for Reviewed and has contributed content to publications like The Boston Herald, Harvard Business Publishing, Boston Business Journal, Boston Homes, Good Life, The Collection, and many more over the past 15 years. According to her mom, the first word Cindy could read was "KitchenAid", and she has been obsessed with dishwashers and other home appliances ever since. In her spare time, Cindy works in TV, hosting programs for WGBH-TV in Boston and other public television stations. She is also passionate about architectural color and helps homeowners choose wall colors with her business, Orangesandlemons Color Consulting.

Articles & Reviews by Cindy Bailen

Sorry, but your groceries are full of bugs

Insects can get into your kitchen with food you buy at the store. Here's how to get rid of them.

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Here's why you should never waste your money on an expensive microwave

You can buy a microwave with tons of features, but do you really need them?

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How long should your appliances last?

Appliances don't last as long as they used to, but with some TLC, you can extend their lifespans.

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Here's the secret to cleaning your Ugg boots at home

Here's how to clean dirty Ugg boots or mocs in your washing machine.

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Your hairbrush is full of bacteria and germs—here's how to clean it

Everything in your hair ends up on your brush. You must clean it now.

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6 compact washers that you'll love

Looking for a compact washer for a small home? This is our short list.

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10 things to consider when buying a refrigerator

Reviewed has prepared a checklist to help you buy a refrigerator.

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No stupid questions—what real people want to know about induction cooking

Our answers to the most frequently asked questions about induction ranges and cooktops.

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