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Photo Printers Sales Increased in 2006

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July 24, 2007 – Americans are buying more photo printers, according to the 2007 PMA U. S. Digital Imaging Survey. Twelve percent of U.S. households, which account for 18 percent of digital camera owners, bought photo printers last year. The average price of printers also climbed between 2005 and 2006, with costs increasing from $149 to $162.

 Many of these printers came bundled with a camera purchase, in 14 percent of households that purchased printers. The type of printer that was purchased through a bundled offer shifted more toward compact photo printers, those capable of printing 4-by-6-inch and 5-by-7-inch photos. This shift accounted for an increase of 14 percent in compact photo printer sales, up from 57 percent in 2005 to 71 percent in 2006. Sales of 8-by-10-inch format printers dropped slightly from 57 percent to 52 percent, while the number of A3+-sized (11-by-17-inch +) format printers sold increased only slightly. Not surprisingly, the PMA report also found that those people who own digital SLRs were almost twice as likely to buy a photo printer as the rest of the printer-buying population. The Photo Marketing Association (PMA) does research on imaging industry trends. More information on the 2007 PMA U.S. Digital Imaging Survey can be found at PMA’s website.