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Basepaws cat DNA kit

The Basepaws cat DNA kit is all over the internet—but does it actually work?

black and white cat next to the basepaws dna kit Credit: Reviewed / Basepaws

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  1. Product image of Basepaws CatKit

    Basepaws CatKit

When my fiancé and I were ready to adopt a couple of fur kids, my partner had his heart set on a Maine Coon cat. A pair of blue-eyed cuties stared back at us from the computer screen, and we were smitten. Maine Coon or not, it took one look at their massive polydactyl paws to fall in love. 

Since then, at-home pet DNA kits have boomed in popularity and in genetic advancements. As well as testing for common genetic conditions, they offer pet parents a detailed look at their cat's breed makeup and likely traits. Basepaws edges out its competition with oral testing, which has the potential to alert pet parents to tooth reabsorption lesions and periodontal disease before physical signs.

$160 at Basepaws

Of course, we know our cats better than anyone. But there was one gaping question concerning who they are: Do our domestic felines have any trace of Maine Coon? We were able to find that out, and a lot more.

What is Basepaws?

Used to uncover the fascinating facts of felines, Basepaws is one of the most popular (and first!) at-home DNA tests for cats. Using a saliva swab sample, Basepaws compares your cat's DNA to thousands of other cats' DNA to look for similarities or differences. 

Knowing your cat's genetic makeup means screening for diseases before your cat shows symptoms. While Basepaws can't screen for every feline genetic disease, it tests for 43 of them. Additionally, they compare your cat's genetic makeup to purebred cats and report how similar your cat is to certain breeds—a feline ancestral tree, of sorts. You'll also receive a report of 25 probable traits, from coat color and pattern to the number of toes. 

Basepaws is one step ahead of the rest when it comes to ensuring no data goes to waste. Rather than tossing the bacteria coating your cat's sample swab, they sequence that too. You'll find those results in the oral report, which provides the likelihood that your cat is experiencing bad breath, tooth reabsorption, or periodontal disease. 

How does Basepaws work?

Credit: Reviewed / Basepaws

Collecting the DNA sample can easily be done by one person in just ten seconds. Lyra opted to stay in bed for her saliva swab.

Like us, a cat's DNA is made up of four base pairs; abbreviated as A, G, C, and T. When the order of those base pairs is mapped, that's called sequencing. Sequencing DNA is the key to unlocking your cat's genetic makeup.

The Sample

Collecting the DNA sample was quick, easy, and painless for all. Basepaws recommends swabbing the inside of your cat's cheek for at least ten seconds, but not within 30 minutes of eating. 

Before collecting the saliva sample, you'll create a Basepaws account. This is where you'll register the test-tube number and access reports later on. Once the sample is collected, unscrew the swab cap, and invert it into the test tube. Here, it remains safe in stabilizing liquid. Pop the pre-labeled return box in the mail and patiently wait for the lab to uncover your cat's ancestral secrets and health insights. 

The Science 

The swab you send in provides the lab with feline DNA and bacteria. The DNA is extracted from the sample and sequenced. This provides scientists with the information needed to report your cat's genetic predisposition to a disease, compare their lineage to purebred cats, and predict their physical traits. 

The bacteria left over on the swab is also useful. "We analyze the genomes of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more in a cat's mouth to identify signs of current, active dental disease," explains Rowyn Rose, Director of Research and Science Communications at Basepaws. Essentially, Rose says Basepaws' oral test can catch dental disease before symptoms develop.

The Results

Basepaws' DNA results are delivered to your online Basepaws account. If you opt for their most popular test (Breed + Health + Oral Test), results will take the form of an approximate 70-page pdf. 

Breed Results

First, a disclaimer from Basepaws. Cats and dogs—from their domestication to breeding—are very different. "We cannot assume that your cat was descended from a mixture of purebred lines," the brand writes. "Instead, we find parts of your cat's genome that are similar to the genomes of modern-day purebred cats in our reference panel."

Rather than mixed breeds, most cats are random-bred. "They're a group unto their own which is unlike dogs. Mixed-breed cats are very rare," explains Dr. Leslie Lyons, Ph.D., Gilbreath-McLorn Endowed Professor of Comparative Medicine at the University of Missouri. About 5% of cats are purebred while the majority of our cherished cats are random-bred.  

Basepaws tells you which geographical breed group your cat shares a similar genome with rather than the breed composition like a dog DNA test might. Breeds are separated into four distinct groups: Western breeds (ancestry spanning Turkey, Russia, Europe, and the Americas), Eastern breeds (whose roots trace to Asian countries), Persian, Exotic, and Domestic Polycat (random-bred).

Cats from the same litter can have different dads. So, while you might expect DNA results between littermates to look similar, there's a chance they'll completely differ. It appears our littermate cats share the same dad. 

Credit: Reviewed / Basepaws

Basepaws tells you which geographical breed group your cat shares a similar genome with rather than the breed composition like a dog DNA test might.

The majority of their genetic makeup was similar to Western Breeds. While Basepaws claims they can't distinguish breeds, the test further specified that our cats are genetically similar to Maine Coon (12% and 13%), American shorthair (23% and 0%), Ragdoll (0% and 5%), Turkish Angora (2% and 2%) and others under the Western breed umbrella. They also share some DNA similarities with Eastern, Persian, and Exotic Breeds. However, Domestic Polycat makes up a large majority of their genome. 

Health Results

Basepaws tests for 43 genetic health conditions represented by 64 genetic markers (Wisdom Panel one-ups Basepaws by testing for 45 genetic health conditions). Genetic conditions screened for include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (the most common form of heart disease in cats) and disorders of the metabolism, blood, immune system, connective tissues, eyes, renal, skin, and endocrine systems. Your cat will either be clear of all markers, a carrier of the marker, or at risk or high risk of manifesting the condition. 

While Atlas was clear of all genetic markers, Lyra is a genetic carrier of a blood clotting disorder called Factor XII Deficiency. The condition won't affect her, and she's spayed, but this information would inform breeding decisions. 

Credit: Reviewed / Basepaws

Basepaws tests for 43 genetic health conditions represented by 64 genetic markers.

Basepaws genetic testing now includes a blood type panel. While a cat's blood type can be hypothesized from the genome, your veterinarian will likely confirm your cat's blood type before a transfusion.

Traits Results

Traits feel a bit silly for the everyday pet parent, since you can likely look at your cat and know if they are long or short-haired or have an extra toe or four (as our cats do). Nonetheless, they're entertaining to read and useful for cat fanciers interested in breeding. 

While the test said my long-haired cat wasn't likely to be long-haired, it did offer well-perceived insight. "Any cat may be born polydactyl, but the trait seems to be most common among Maine Coons," the report states (and my partner rejoices). 

Credit: Reviewed / Basepaws

Basepaws tests for 25 probable traits, from coat color and pattern to the number of toes.

Oral Health Results 

Basepaws uses DNA extracted from the bacteria in your cat's mouth to test for active signs of dental disease. By testing for low, medium, and high-risk oral microbes, Basepaws reports back whether your cat is at risk of bad breath, periodontal disease, or tooth reabsorption.

While waiting for our Basepaws reports, Lyra developed a lump that required surgical removal. Since she would already be under anesthesia and at the recommended age for her first dental cleaning, we opted for a full dental exam and cleaning. While Lyra had no physical signs, we learned that she had tooth reabsorption in an incisor. 

When Lyra's oral exam arrived in my inbox, I was impressed to see that Basepaws had found Lyra was at high risk for periodontal disease and tooth reabsorption before she showed physical signs. We repeated the test following her dental cleaning and as expected, Lyra is now at low risk for bad breath, periodontal disease, or tooth reabsorption.

Credit: Reviewed / Basepaws

Basepaws Oral Health Test can detect active oral diseases before clinical signs and symptoms.

Basepaws recommends repeating the oral test, which can be purchased separately for $99, every three to eight months depending on the findings.

How long does Basepaws take? 

According to Basepaws, results of the Health + Oral test take up to six weeks for results. I mailed Atlas and Lyra's samples just before the Thanksgiving holiday and received the results in six weeks. Lyra's second test, the oral-only health test, took five weeks for results. 

What I liked about Basepaws 

The results are accurate, according to experts

"The accuracy of the genetic testing companies is very high because what accuracy means is that they test the DNA and they come up with the right answer of what they read on the DNA," explains Dr. Jerold Bell, DVM, Adjunct Professor of Genetics at Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Accuracy is different from penetrance, which is the likelihood that your cat will show signs and symptoms of a disease. 

Early detection of common dental conditions

"Basepaws started analyzing the oral microbiome and doing research to link it to gum disease in cats and tooth loss in cats, which are high-frequency dental diseases that we deal with every day in practice. So, they've just opened up a whole new frequency of genetic testing that is extremely helpful," Dr. Bell says. 

And extremely helpful is exactly how I feel about Basepaws oral microbiome testing, too. Basepaws successfully detected periodontal disease and tooth reabsorption in Lyra before symptoms were present, which was verified during her dental cleaning. Basepaws recommends retesting your cat's oral microbiome every three to eight months, and I plan to follow their suggestion (as well as continue to brush at home).  

"[Testing] is very important because these are very important diseases in cats that we don't have good treatments for, except for pulling all the teeth out," Dr. Bell adds. 

The results are easy to read and fun to explore

While the Health + Oral report is about 70 pages long, Basepaws does a wonderful job of organizing the information into colorful charts and fun graphics that make it easy to read. There are a few pages of in-depth information related to how Basepaws interprets your cat's information and clickable links for expanded in-depth results, like information on corresponding breed profiles. Even if your cat's results come back 100% polycat with all the expected traits, it's fun to explore some of the unique attributes that make cats... cats.  

What I didn't like about Basepaws

The gap between genetic testing and your vet

The accuracy of a genetic test is different from the penetrance of the disease—and this is where pet parents can be left in the dark. Dr. Bell explains that just because your cat doesn't have a specific marker doesn't mean they won't develop a disease. Just because they do have a genetic marker doesn't mean they will develop clinical signs of the disease.

Dr. Bell points to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as an example. "If a cat doesn't carry the specific markers that have been identified so far, they might still develop the disease because it presents differently across breeds," he explains. "Understanding the differences between genetic test results and what they mean is very important. Unfortunately, veterinarians have not been trained to understand what those differences are, how to interpret these genetic tests, or how to genetically counsel patients." Dr. Bell adds that if genetic testing companies are selling directly to consumers, they should be the ones providing genetic counseling.

Basepaws offers to send genetic tests to your veterinarian, which I opted to do. I also directly emailed Lyra's feline dentist with her before and after oral test results. "That is an interesting report. I think more research needs to be done to know if these tests are accurate, but genetic testing is improving as they analyze more samples," she replied. 

Basepaws offers a one-hour consultation with a feline genetic coach when pet parents order the whole genome test, priced at $499. Genetic counseling is not offered with the Breed + Health DNA Test or the Oral Health Test for Cats. 

Revealing your cat's breed feels skeptical 

After talking with Dr. Bell and Dr. Lyons, I'm left with the feeling that using a genetic test to uncover your cat's breed isn't as straightforward as we cat lovers want to believe. Sure, my cats share 12% genetic similarity with a Maine Coon cat, but does that mean they have Maine Coon ancestry? It's unclear. It's still a fun adventure, but false expectations may lead pet parents to believe Basepaws can provide more precise information than science allows.

Is Basepaws worth it?

Am I convinced that I have two part-Maine Coon kitties—not at all. However, we still enjoyed seeing their genetic similarities to purebreds and learning a little more about cat breeds, or the lack thereof. 

"Most random-breds only go back to randon-breds. But occasionally you do see some Siamese and other types of cats in the background. And it's interesting for owners to know that. I think there's value in that and if it's something people are interested in, I think it's valuable to do," Dr. Bell says. 

What makes Basepaws worth it, however, is their ability to detect common and serious diseases before the onset of symptoms. The study of feline genetics is constantly advancing, which makes it difficult for veterinarians to keep up. However, once you're in the Basepaws system, you'll periodically receive updates to your cat's original health report. 

Personally, I plan to repeat the oral health test twice to once a year—because feline oral disease early is definitely worth it.

$160 at Basepaws

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