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What to look for when buying plants online and in-store

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Whether you’re flipping through gardening catalogs, browsing online plant stores, or just walking slowly through the Home Depot garden section, one thing is clear: There are thousands of choices to make about what to plant in your yard, containers, or window sill.

If you’re lost on where to begin, here’s how to buy plants online that will thrive in your home and your yard.

Where to buy plants

There are several great websites for finding plants that will thrive in your home and yard. Hardware stores like The Home Depot and Lowe’s have garden centers for online or in-store shopping. And there are a number of online plant shops to consider, like The Sill, which has a helpful categories like easy-care plants and low-light tolerant plants.

The best time to buy plants

The wonderful thing about ordering petunias on online is that you can get them shipped straight to your door but then what? Most new plants should be planted after the last frost date in your area. Aim to have your new plants in hand after the date where there’s 50% chance of last frost, and schedule time to get them in the ground as soon as possible.

What else do you need to buy, besides the plant?


Is your plant getting shipped in a pot, or “bare root”? If it’s bare root, you will need to unpack it and put it into fresh soil ASAP when you get it. Plants that arrive in pots with soil can wait a little longer to be planted. Always make sure you water your plants as soon as possible after they arrive.

$16 at Amazon


Many gardeners are concerned about pesticides that kill bees and other insects that pollinate plants. Bees are particularly susceptible to a type of pesticides known as neonicotinoids or neonics. The Home Depot phased out neonics in 2018, but other growers are still using them. When in doubt, ask the seller if their plants have been treated with neonics before you buy.

Inspect plants before you commit to them

When you’re unpacking your mail-order plants, or picking them out at Home Depot or your local garden center, make sure they’re healthy before you put them in your garden. Sometimes plants arrive damaged so here’s what to look for.

How do the leaves look? Check the plant on all sides, and look at the undersides of the leaves as well as the tops. Some browning is natural if the plants dried out in transit, but responsible plant sellers pack their plants to stay moist throughout their journeys.

How does the plant look overall? If the plant look tall, thin, or “leggy,” it didn’t get enough light, and could mean there were other problems in the nursery as well. Give it a pass.

How’s the soil? If it’s dry, give the plant a pass (unless you’re buying cactus—and even then, the soil should be crumbly, not hard and rocky).

Are there any signs of insects? Looks for white, brown or yellow specks on the leaves and stem, or signs of chewing. If you find bugs, leave the plant.

How are the roots? You can gently tilt the plant out of its pot into your hand. The roots should be pale and firm, not black or brown, and the soil should smell wet, not like rotting garbage.

That smell is a sign that the plant has been waterlogged, and the roots have begun to rot. There should be soil visible around and on top of the roots, showing that the plant has had enough room to grow.

Is it blooming? Then leave it alone. You want your new plant to flower in your garden, not the store. Choose a plant that is in bud, not in bloom.

Count your plants! If you’re buying a six-pack or a flat of plants, it can be easy to miss the fact that a plant is missing under all the foliage.

Do you spot weeds? Don’t bring a headache home. If there are other plants growing in the pot besides the one you want, find another plant—or another store.

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