The 12 craziest things Star Wars fans actually own
Geeky products to separate the Masters from the Padawans

Products are chosen independently by our editors. Purchases made through our links may earn us a commission.
It's May 4th, which means anyone even the most casual Star Wars fans will be tweeting "May the Force be with you" and liking adorable gifs of BB-8. So how can a true Star Wars geek stand out from the pack? Merch. Lots of merch.
Here are 12 of the wildest, most expensive, or just plain weirdest ways to show your love for the franchise to end all franchises.
1. Doggie dewback costume

We'll start with something equal parts affordable and uncomfortable. Nothing declares your love for the Empire like this dewback costume for your poor beleaguered dog. It even has a little Stormtrooper on top, guaranteed to move more convincingly than it does in the Special Edition of A New Hope.
Get the dewback pet costume from Amazon for $19.03
2. An actual droid

That's right, you can buy an actual droid to keep you company during the day. Don't expect much more than waddling from this GNK-Series Power Droid, but that's actually pretty true to what they do in the Star Wars universe, so we'll just call this one "authentic."
Get the GNK-Series Power Droid from Etsy for $187.50
3. Imperial cleaning droids

You don't need Jedi powers to get your floor clean, just a friendly droid. These special edition robot vacuums from Samsung come in Vader and Stormtrooper options. No restraining bolts needed.
Get the Samsung POWERbot Star Wars Limited Edition for $389 and up
4. A Millennium Falcon to call your own

It seems like everyone is buying a drone these days. Why not get one with some special modifications? This little flyer from Air Hogs has high user reviews on Amazon, plus it'll make point-six past light speed.
Get the Air Hogs Star Wars Remote Control Millennium Falcon Quad from Amazon
5. A BIGGER Millennium Falcon to call your own

Patience you must have for this whopping 7,541-piece masterpiece of Lego engineering. They really nailed the details on this thing, right down to interchangeable round and square sensor dishes, because we all know the first dish got knocked off by Lando "Not-a-Scratch" Calrissian. Even if you don't buy it, you should watch this dedicated fan assemble it in a marathon 34-hour session.
Get the LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Millennium Falcon from Amazon for $989.85
6. Wampa rug for those cold nights

It won't cost you an arm and a leg to get cozy with the Hoth wildlife, though we can't promise the same for this wampa. (Fun fact: In the original draft of Empire Strikes Back, the wampas were depicted almost like the aliens in Alien, stalking and terrorizing the Rebels in Echo base.)
Get the Wampa rug from Amazon for $79.99
7. Tauntauns: Camping buddies no matter what planet you're on

Nothing like a warm night's sleep in the arms of a friend. The zipper pull is shaped like a light saber, and the inside print even looks like intestines. It's the little things that make this a fan-favorite. And contrary to popular belief, they smell just fine.
Get the from Tauntaun sleeping bag from Amazon for $589.99
8. A Star Wars airplane

Starting in 2015, Japan-based ANA rolled out the first in series of Star Wars-themed Boeing aircraft. R2, 3PO, and BB-8 have all received the grand treatment. Who's next? (We're looking at you, Dexter Jettster.) The flight schedule is posted on ANA's website. We took a peek and saw that Tokyo-Seattle flights cost over $1,000! Sure, you could almost buy your own plane with that kind of money, but who's gonna fly it?
9. Life-sized Darth Vader

Say what you will, Yoda, but size does matter sometimes, like when it comes to this remarkable life-sized Darth Vader. Standing at over seven feet tall, the folks at Sideshow understand that geekery is all about sweating the details. The chest plate lights up, the head swivels, and all the materials look like spot-on replicas from the original films. Sideshow also makes life-sized Yoda, R2, and K-2SO, in case you need to fill out your trophy room.
Get the 1:1 scale Darth Vader at for $8,900
10. A professional-grade Stormtrooper helmet

You'll spend most of your time with this true-to-life Imperial Biker Scout Trooper helmet trying to decide if you should wear it or display it. It's air conditioned, which means it's perfect for wearing around the house and quoting Star Wars to your wife. Trust me, she'll love it.
Get the Imperial Biker Scout Trooper Helmet from Etsy for $133.74
11. Death Star fire pit

Many Bothans tried to bring you the plans for this Death Star fire pit, but only this Etsy seller succeeded.
Get the Death Star fire pit from Etsy for $10,000
12. Life-sized Han Solo in carbonite

If money were no object, this would be hanging in half the living rooms in the country. You love it. I know.
Get Han Solo in carbonite from for $7,499
Special thanks to the Reviewed staffer Ashley Barry and the Star Wars Minute Listeners' Society for the suggestions.