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10 brilliant ways to get rid of gnats in houseplants

Easy solutions so you can say buh-bye

Products are chosen independently by our editors. Purchases made through our links may earn us a commission.

Are pesky gnats ruining your indoor plants and turning your green thumb black? We’ve rounded up 10 effective products that will help you bid farewell to bothersome pests and restore the health of your houseplants.

From gnat traps and Neem oil to sticky pest traps and insect-killing sprays, we've handpicked a range of solutions to address your specific needs.

We'll explore how to get rid of gnats in houseplants and provide valuable insights on the best ways to use these products for beautiful plants!

1. Garsum Fruit Fly Sticky Pest Trap

Product shot of the yellow butterfly-shaped and flower-shaped Garsum Sticky Pest Traps.
Credit: Reviewed / Garsum

Choose an eco-friendly, harmless and odorless option to place around your home.

The Garsum Sticky Pest Trap is a bright yellow tape coated with a super sticky adhesive that comes in a variety of fun shapes like a butterfly, flower, cat, trees, sunshine, and bird.

The bright and small tape surface attracts and captures flying and crawling pests. It is long-lasting, durable, eco-friendly, and easy to use to get rid of gnats in houseplants and outdoor plants alike.

Product image of Garsum Sticky Pest Trap
Garsum Sticky Pest Trap

These handy sticky traps are a more humane option for the pesky critters that linger around your plants.

$6 at Amazon

2. Safer Home Plug-in Fly Trap

Product shot of the Safer Home Plug-in Fly Trap inside of blue box packaging in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Safer Home

The Safer Home Plug-in Fly Trap can be reused as many times as you see fit with the refillable glue card.

The Safer Home Plug-in Fly Trap starts working as soon as you plug it in and it doesn’t require any continual upkeep like weekly spraying.

The trap is a chemical-free solution that uses a natural insecticide derived from botanical extracts to trap fruit flies, gnats, moths, flies, and more.

In addition to removing pesky flies from your home, it targets adult gnats and their larvae to keep your houseplants free of pests and thriving.

Product image of Safer Home Plug-in Fly Trap
Safer Home Plug-in Fly Trap

This plug-in fly trap is low maintenance and begins working instantly to wipe out the insects plaguing your plants.

$18 at Amazon

3. BioAdvanced Insect Control Spikes

Product shot of the BioAdvanced Insect Control Spikes inside of package with plant on the front in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / BioAdvanced

Get to the root of the problem with these plantable spikes that work from the bottom up.

The BioAdvanced Insect Control Spikes are a one-and-done kind of gnat-removing solution with a 2-in-1 formula that both kills insects and nourishes your plants. With up to eight weeks of protection without spraying, the spikes target and eliminate pests like aphids, whiteflies, gnats, and mealybugs.

Once you place the spikes, they also start to slow-release fertilizer, feeding indoor and outdoor potted plants for up to two months. These are wonderful options to use preventatively, as well as treat any gnat problems you have already noticed.

Product image of  BioAdvanced Insect Control Spikes
BioAdvanced Insect Control Spikes

The Insect Control Spikes from BioAdvanced allows you to nip your bug problem right at the root so that you're proactive about your bug problem.

$7 at Amazon

4. Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil

Two bags of Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil side by side in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Miracle-Gro

Feed your plants for up to six months with Miracle-Gro's indoor potting soil.

The Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil benefits your houseplant by delivering essential nutrients and deterring bugs that will harm your foliage. Specifically designed to be less prone to gnats, it excludes compost or bark that would otherwise harbor fungus gnats. This high-quality soil provides proper drainage and optimal moisture retention, so you’ll want to use it on all your plants, especially tropical ones that like humid environments.

Product image of Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil
Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil

The Miracle-Gro indoor potting soil works from the inside out to deliver you great results as well as a defense system against pests.

$17 at Amazon

5. Wyndham House Plant Watering Globe Set

Set of three glass watering globes in green, red and blue and turquoise colors in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Wyndham House

Pools of water around your plant's soil is an invitation for gnats and other flying insects to gather.

Watering globes are a convenient way to keep houseplants healthy. By slowly releasing water into the soil, they prevent overwatering and reduce the risk of sitting water, which can attract gnats.

The globes help maintain optimal moisture levels, promote root health, and discourage infestations, leaving your plants to grow well and regulated. Plus, you won’t have to worry about missing a watering day!

Product image of Plant Watering Globe Set
Plant Watering Globe Set

Moderate moisture levels with the help of watering globes which slowly feed water into them instead of all at once.

$19 at Amazon

6. Neem oil

White bottle of Plantonix Neem Bliss neem oil solution with handle located at top in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Plantonix

Neem oil is a natural remedy derived straight from India.

Neem oil is an excellent choice for pest control in both indoor and outdoor plants. Plantonix Neem Bliss stands out as the purest neem oil available, made from pure neem fruit kernels using a cold-press process, preserving essential nutrients.

It's easy to use—just mix it with water and dish soap, then spray it on leaf surfaces once a week.

Neem Bliss is highly concentrated and will remove gnats—as well as other pests— from your houseplants, lawn, and garden. Plus, it's certified organic, which is nice for use on vegetable gardens and herbs that you plan to cook with.

Product image of Plantonix Neem Bliss
Plantonix Neem Bliss

Consider Neem Bliss as an organic alternative to protect your plants while delivering the nutrients it needs.

$22 at Amazon

7. Water and hydrogen peroxide mixture

Product shots of green plant mister spray bottle with black dispenser top next to brown rectangular bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Driew

Pair a hydrogen peroxide solution with a powerful spray bottle for the best results.

Mixing water and hydrogen peroxide creates a solution that can be sprayed on plants to get rid of gnats without harsh chemicals. The solution helps kill gnat larvae and even deters adult gnats from laying eggs.

It is a natural and effective method for gnat control in plants, and using a plant mister helps evenly spray the mixture on soil and leaves instead of in sporadic clumps.

Product image of Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution
Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution

You may not be aware of its benefits, but hydrogen peroxide can stop gnat larvae in its tracks.

$8 at Amazon
Product image of Plant Mister Spray Bottle
Plant Mister Spray Bottle

Evenly distribute your desired solution with the help of a handy mister spray bottle.

$8 at Amazon

8. Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Product shot of the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap with blue UV shining on top in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Katchy

Although the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is compact, it uses an intricate 3-in-1 method to trap bugs.

The Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is an electric gnat, fruit fly, and mosquito catcher that offers triple trapping power with a UV light, a strong fan, and a sticky glue board. The trio of pest-eliminating solutions will keep your plants and home free of any buzzing.

The small machine can be placed near affected areas and has a stylish design, much like a speaker. It has over 100,000 ratings, and reviewers are more than happy with its gnat-ending capabilities.

Product image of Katchy Indoor Insect Trap
Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Go big or go home with the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap that uses UV light and a sticky glue board to capture insects so they can’t escape.

$40 at Amazon

9. Gideal Dual-sided Yellow Sticky Traps

Product shot of the Gideal Dual-sided Yellow Sticky Traps next to box packaging  in front of pink background.
Credit: Reviewed / Gideal

Cut these Dual-sided Yellow Sticky Traps to fit any place around your home where gnats are present.

These sticky sheets are convenient, easy to use, and proven to be effective against the gnats, aphids, whiteflies, and fruit flies that may be wreaking havoc on your plants. Each sheet is 6x8 inches, which isn’t the most decorative size, but they’re large enough to catch plenty of pests.

You can place the sheets near plants by sticking them to a wall, fence, or the pot itself. The sheets also come with stakes that you can put in the soil to get the sticky surface near any infestations.

Don’t be afraid to get creative either; try sticking the sheets to a cardboard box to place under porch furniture or cut the strips into smaller sizes to place on the inner rim of window boxes.

Though these traps aren’t the prettiest, reviewers consistently rate them as easy to use, and say the sticky traps eliminated their fungus gnats and flies of all sizes.

Product image of Gideal Dual-sided Yellow Sticky Traps
Gideal Dual-sided Yellow Sticky Traps

Flying pests are no match for this 20-pack of Sticky Traps that are both waterproof and double-sided.

$8 at Amazon

10. Wondercide Indoor Pest Control Spray

Plastic spray bottle with red label of the Wondercide Indoor Pest Control Spray  in front of pink background..
Credit: Reviewed / Wondercide

Wondercide's Indoor Pest Control Spray come in multiple scents like peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary so you're not overwhelmed by that harsh chemical bug spray smell.

If you’re wondering how to get rid of gnats in houseplants in a less chemical-dependent way, try this plant-powered insect spray. It serves as both a preventive measure and treatment, killing and repelling pests like gnats.

It provides comprehensive protection against various indoor pests like ants, roaches, spiders, flies, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, fruit flies, silverfish, moths, gnats, earwigs, palmetto bugs, waterbugs; it even acts as an indoor flea treatment.

Safe around pets and family members, it utilizes natural essential oils and can be conveniently sprayed throughout the house without worry. The spray has 4.2 stars, almost 3,000 5-star ratings, and comes in four main scents: cedarwood, lemongrass, peppermint, and rosemary.

Product image of Wondercide Indoor Pest Control Spray
Wondercide Indoor Pest Control Spray

Don’t automatically spring for harsh chemicals when you notice a bug problem around your home, try the Wondercide Indoor Pest Control Spray instead.

$37 at Amazon

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