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4 easy ways to get rid of crabgrass in your yard

Bye bye pesky weed!

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As spring arrives, people all over start turning to their lawns. In many regions, a perpetual nuisance is the presence of crabgrass—that sprawling, broad-leafed weed that spreads out over your lawn like the legs of a crab. Year after year, homeowners wonder how to get rid of crabgrass.

While there are many places where crabgrass is a great ground cover, like in a pasture where animals graze, for example, it’s generally not desirable for lawns, because it’s ugly, it’s not super pleasant to walk on, and it dies each year, turning your yard brown and increasing the likelihood of a muddy fall, winter, and early spring.

Here are four tips for how to get rid of crabgrass in your yard.

How to get rid of crabgrass

1. Prevention is the best medicine

On top left, product shot of  Honda 663020 21 lawnmower. On top right, product shot of the Flexzilla garden hose. On bottom left, product shot of the e Orbit Impact Sprinkler. On bottom right, product shot of  Scotts Green Max.
Credit: Reviewed / Honda / Flexzilla / Orbit / Scotts

Getting rid of weeds can be tricky, but with the right gardening tools–like pesticides and a lawnmower—you'll be well-equipped for the battle.

Maintaining a lush, healthy lawn with the grass species that you do want is the best way to reduce the growth and spread of crabgrass.

Mow your grass with a lawnmower, like this self-propelled option from Honda, frequently, but keep it tall, between 2.5 and 3-inches, depending on the type of grass you have. Keeping the desirable grass tall will deprive the germinating crabgrass seeds of the light they need to flourish.

$549 at Amazon

Infrequent, deep watering also helps, as crabgrass has shallow roots that need regular access to water. Use a garden hose, like the Flexzilla Garden Hose, or a lawn sprinkler, like the Orbit Impact Sprinkler, to keep your grass from getting thirsty.

$40 at Amazon

$50 at Amazon

Finally, fertilize your lawn with a nitrogen-based fertilizer, like Scotts Green Max, twice annually in the fall when the existing crabgrass has started to die to keep the lawn healthy over winter and ready to return strong in the spring.

$52 at Amazon

2. Dig it out by the roots

If crabgrass growth in your yard is patchy and limited, you can try to dig the plants out by the roots using a garden shovel like the Hooyman Shovel to prevent them from scattering new seeds.

Though you should keep in mind that the presence of crabgrass means that there are already viable seeds in your soil, so this alone likely isn’t how to get rid of crabgrass.

$52 at Amazon

3. Reseed bare patches, or over seed the entire lawn as needed

On left, product shot of Scotts Turf Builder. On right, person standing outdoor on grass next to bag of Scotts Turf Builder.
Credit: Reviewed / Scotts

Prepping the entire perimeter of your yard with Scotts Turf Builder can be the key to a thriving lawn.

Anywhere with exposed dirt in your lawn is a potential location for crabgrass and other weeds to take hold. The best time to reseed is in the late summer or early fall, when the crabgrass is nearing the end of its lifecycle. Try a grass seed like the Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action, which covers up to 4,000 square feet.

If your entire yard is thin or patchy, then over-seeding or slice seeding the full area in the fall can be a first step toward bringing the desirable grasses back into dominance.

$49 at Amazon

4. Try a herbicide specifically for crabgrass

Three product shots of  Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer, Lawnbright Pre-Emergent Weed Control, and the Primesource Quinclorac Liquid Crabgrass Killer.
Credit: Reviewed / Scotts / Lawnbright / Primesource

While these lawn chemicals can be harsh, powerful pesticides are needed to penetrate deeper into the soil to ensure these weeds won't grow back.

Crabgrass is a resilient pest, and sometimes the only way to eliminate it is with dedicated herbicides.

Though crabgrass does have broad leaves, it's not affected by broad-leaf weed killers that you might use on ivy, for example. Instead, use an herbicide that says it is specifically for crabgrass prevention.

There are two primary types of herbicides to help you eliminate crabgrass: pre-emergence and post-emergence. Pre-emergence pesticides like Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer are put down in the early spring before the crabgrass seeds have an opportunity to germinate and take root.

For organic options, we like Lawnbright, which makes a nontoxic Pre-Emergent Weed Control.

$22.49 at Amazon

$50 at Lawnbright

When exactly depends on your specific region and climate—check with one of the agricultural extensions at your local state university for more specifics about your area.

Post-emergence herbicides like the Primesource Quinclorac Liquid Crabgrass Killer are how to control crabgrass after the plants have taken root, but before they have gotten large and established in the summer months. Purdue University recommends not trying to use these chemicals after mid-July because the crabgrass plants are likely too well-established by then for them to be effective.

$22.75 at Amazon

Each herbicide will have its own specific instructions regarding timing, how and when to water, and how to apply it. Make sure to follow those instructions carefully for maximum effectiveness.

So, what is crabgrass, anyway?

Crabgrass is also notoriously difficult to eliminate, in large part because each year, the plants drop an enormous number of seeds that can remain viable in the soil for years. It can also take nutrients away from the more desirable types of lawn grass.

These seeds cling to any available space and germinate, bringing crabgrass back year after year. The resilience of those seeds is exactly why the question of how to get rid of crabgrass is so difficult to answer.

However, if you’re patient and are willing to put in effort, likely over several seasons, then its presence can be seriously reduced, if not completely eliminated.

A multi-pronged approach is best to control crabgrass

The reality is that crabgrass is a resilient, persistent weed, and no one solution is likely to keep it completely under control, and indeed, it may never completely disappear from your lawn.

But using a combination of these best practices, especially keeping the desirable grass in your yard lush and healthy, will go a long way toward keeping the crabgrass in your lawn under control.

If you’ve tried the above methods over the course of multiple seasons, or if your crabgrass is out of control, then you may want to consider bringing in a professional landscaping company to tackle the initial infestation and give you and your lawn a fighting chance moving forward.

They will know how to get rid of crabgrass in your specific climate, and have tried and true strategies that should work for you.

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