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Here’s how to rehab a drought-stricken lawn

Yes, it’s possible to bring your yard back to life

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If you live in an area that experiences droughts and heatwaves, or is expected to, your lawn may look a little more brown than usual. But is your lawn dead, dying, or just dormant? And what should you do about it? A sprinkler can help, but it's not the only solution.

Here’s how to revive dead grass after a drought.

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Dormant grass vs dead grass: How to tell the difference

Before figuring out how to revive dead grass, the first thing you need to do is determine if your lawn is dormant, totally dead, or just mostly dead. Dormant grass doesn’t grow, so just because you haven’t mowed since June doesn’t mean it’s gone. A simple way to tell the difference is the “tug test” where you grab a handful of grass and pull it out with a little bit of force.

Dead grass will feel like it slips right out of the dirt, roots and all. Dormant grass usually still has living roots, so the roots will hold tight while the upper dead part of the leaves may just rip off. If you’re unsure, then the safe bet is that it’s dormant.

Another classic way to tell is if the grass is all brown or has brown patches all over. I don’t prefer this test because unless your lawn was laid down with sod, it likely has a mix of grass types that will naturally brown and recover at different rates.

How to fix dormant grass

Grass is supposed to go dormant. Most warm-season grasses go dormant in winter and spring, and cool-season grasses tend to go dormant in the winter and in the summer.

But grass is only meant to stay dormant for four to six weeks. The longer it goes on without getting any water, the more of your grass won’t come back.

With dormant grass, the obvious answer is to water it regularly. If you live in an area that still has a ban on watering, that’s tough, though we tend to get more rain throughout the fall and cooler temperatures mean less evaporation.

But even then, it can take weeks to get your lawn fully back to its green self and you’ll likely need more than the standard inch of water per week to rehydrate your soil, which should be moist up to five inches deep.

What not to do when you have dormant grass

A steel rake in front of a yellow background.
Credit: Reviewed / Truper

Using a rake to rip out any damaged grass is the first step to take before planting newer seeds.

The main thing to avoid with dormant grass? Doing too much. In particular, it’s a bad idea to aggressively overseed or aerate a dormant lawn.

A dormant lawn is a stressed-out lawn, shutting down growth so the grass can survive. Adding fertilizer, particularly “starter” fertilizer that is very high in nitrogen (to promote new plant growth), is going to cause more harm if your grass isn’t already on the mend.

Also tasks like aerating, scarifying, and raking are more likely to damage the weakened root systems of your dormant lawn.

If your lawn is in pretty good shape (starting to green back up and grow but still brown in lots of places) you can use a low nitrogen fertilizer or something slow-release like Milorganite.

If you have smaller patches of totally dead grass then you can seed selectively in these areas, raking some of dead grass with a steel rake and spreading seed and starter fertilizer over that area only.

Product image of Truper 30480 Steel Leaf Rake
Truper 30480 Steel Leaf Rake

A rake with flexible steel tines. Ideal for pulling thatch, and clearing leaves, straw, hay, and grass.

Buy at Amazon

You’ll need to water new grass for it to grow, though, so only put down new seed if you can water it effectively.

How to revive dead grass

A person pouring a bag of Scotts fertilizer.
Credit: Reviewed / Scotts

These products will ensure that your soil grows back healthier than before.

Grass doesn’t tend to die uniformly, so even if you’ve got large swaths of dead grass you likely have some living in there or in certain spots. But if you can see lots of bare soil patches all over your lawn, your best bet would be to aggressively overseed by reseeding with something like Scotts Turf Builder if you still have time.

Product image of Scotts Turf Builder Sun and Shade Mix
Scotts Turf Builder Sun and Shade Mix

A versatile mix that stays green even in extreme conditions of dense shade or scorching sun.

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Seeding is an entirely separate topic for a different article, but the basics are you’ll want to add or disturb the top layer of soil, use high-quality seed that is right for your area and where you’re seeding, use a starter fertilizer to promote quick growth, and water it regularly.

Product image of  Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass
Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass

A starter fertilizer that will add the necessary nutrients to your soil in order to ensure your seedling's quicker and healthier growth.

Buy at Amazon

If you’re overseeding a dead lawn, you can likely get away with aerating as well which will help break up the dead grass and give your new seed better contact with the soil. Those seeds need to get to the soil

If all else fails…. Just wait

If your grass is getting regular water via rainwater, a garden hose, or sprinkler system, and some of it’s coming back, your best bet may be to just wait until the spring to see how it does with a full growing season.

In that case, play defense by removing weeds where you can, use a winter fertilizer, and make sure to use a pre-emergent in the spring to prevent weeds from overrunning your lawn.

While your lawn may just look a little shabbier than usual now, if it hasn’t been growing much this season it’s likely quite a few weeds have moved in and will be ready to sprout in the spring—especially tricky weeds like crabgrass that die off in the frost but drop thousands of seeds. A weed killer like Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer can target this type of weed specifically.

Product image of Spectracide Weed Stop For Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer
Spectracide Weed Stop For Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer

The perfect solution for killing unwanted weeds with the addition of outside pest control.

Buy at Amazon

With most pre-emergents, you can’t seed and prevent weeds at the same time (outside of some expensive exceptions like Mesotrione).

If you have a sudden explosion of weeds, you may need to spend the spring preventing weeds and preparing for a big overseed and rehab project next fall.

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