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Clone-a-Willy review

I turned my penis into a dildo—and immediately regretted it

Clone-A-Willy dildo making kit Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

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  1. Product image of Clone-A-Willy Penis Molding Kit

    Clone-A-Willy Penis Molding Kit


    • Detailed

    • Sturdy


    • Finicky

    • Poor vibration

    • Stressful

    • Expensive

    Buy now at Amazon

“What if I could turn my penis into a vibrating, glow-in-the-dark dildo?” 

Normally that’d be one of those errant thoughts you’d write off as quickly as it came, but thanks to Clone-a-Willy, your fantasy can be reality. Yes, you read that right—you can copy your penis (veins and all) and turn it into a dildo.

Clone-a-Willy is a DIY dildo kit that can allegedly make a perfect copy of any penis. It’s been touted as a way for long-distance couples to sexually connect with each other when they’re thousands of miles away. 

Being able to easily make a carbon-copy of my penis sounded almost too good to be true, so for the name of science and pleasure, I ordered Clone-a-Willy to see how it measured up to my lofty expectations. 

What comes in a Clone-a-Willy kit

Contents of the Clone-a-Willy
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

Everything you need to make a dildo.

Clone-a-Willy comes in a large, tube-shaped package that holds an instruction booklet, mixing powder, a thermometer, a vibrator, two jars of silicone gel, and a small wooden stick to mix the silicone gels together. 

What it’s like using Clone-a-Willy

Thermometer in a measuring cup of liquid.
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

Using the Clone-a-Willy kit is a very precise process.

In a word: stressful. 

The first thing I noticed about the Clone-a-Willy kit is its daunting 13-step instruction pamphlet. As my eyes darted across the spread to take in all the information, I felt my excitement over this quirky product deflate while a pervasive thought crept into my head: “Well, this looks like it’ll be a chore.”

First impressions aside, after reading the pamphlet and watching Clone-a-Willy’s instructional video a couple of times, I felt confident I could erect a clone of my penis. 

You could say I was cocksure. 

Clone-a-Willy is remarkably hard to do solo. The first few steps of measuring my penis and cutting down the tube down to size went smoothly but everything went to the dogs when I had to make the mold. Clone-a-Willy’s instructions are very specific and time-sensitive to the point where the process is rendered frantic and fraught. 

You need to run water until it’s exactly 90ºF, measure out the water in a measuring cup so that you have 1 ¾ cups, pour the water in the mixing bowl quickly enough that it doesn’t lose temperature, pour the molding powder into the mixing bowl and mix the powder and water for exactly 45 seconds, carefully yet quickly pour the mixture into the tube, then, as quickly as possible, you need to insert your erect penis into the tube where you’ll need to stay erect inside of it for 1-2 minutes. 

Man mixing ingredients for a DIY dildo.
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

You need to stay hard while mixing the ingredients and setting the plaster—about 5 minutes total.

Did you catch all that? No? Too bad! It’s somehow easier said than done. You’ll need to have the steps down pat while maintaining a hard-on if you ever hope to clone your willy. 

I, like many people, don’t perform the best under pressure and no amount of stroking with one hand and swirling the mix with the other could adequately rouse me back to life. My spooked willy didn’t want to be cloned. Instead of a mold accurate to my penis, all I had to show for my endeavors was a huge, plastery mess. 

But there’s no rest for the wicked. I had the foresight to buy multiple mixing powder packs, so after cleaning up the mess, I went back to the drawing board. On step one of Clone-a-Willy’s instruction pamphlet, they suggest the aid of a “sexy helper” when cloning your penis. Luckily, I knew just the person. 

So, with my partner’s help, we gave cloning my willy another whirl. While I’d love to say having two heads and four hands halves the frustration, in reality, it simply passes the anxiety onto someone else. The pressure’s off of the person who has to stay hard, thus giving them a fighting chance in successfully cloning their penis, but it’s still not a particularly fun experience, all the same. I had the luxury of sitting back and focusing on staying hard while my partner ran herself ragged making sure she nailed the timing. I had more success staying erect in the mixture this time in part thanks to having external stimulation to help me out. While I had made no less of a mess, at least this time I had something to show for it. 

Molds waiting
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

After your model is set, you need to wait another eight hours for the next step.

I then had to wait eight hours for the next step, which is mixing the two silicone parts together. While I’d like to say the rest was smooth sailing since there were no more time-sensitive steps, this wasn’t true. The instructions don’t indicate as such, but you need to insert the vibrator into the poured silicone mixture somewhat quickly. In the five minutes it took for me to cut the hole into cardboard to hold the vibrator, the mixture had already hardened to the point where I couldn’t insert the vibrator. 

After waiting a whopping 24 hours for the silicone to fully harden I took it out of the mold to see how it turned out.

What I like about Clone-a-Willy

It’s detailed

Tubes of dildo material
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

Rest assured, they do feel solid.

Taking it out of the mold left me in genuine awe. For a moment, it felt like I really did clone my penis. The amount of detail on display is striking. The head, veins, frenulum, and opening of the created dildo were all one-to-one with how they appeared on my actual penis. 

Some who’ve used Clone-a-Willy have reported finding a newfound sense of body confidence and I can believe it. It’s a surreal feeling being able to easily view and feel a replica of your penis from all angles.

It’s sturdy

Beyond looking good, the Clone-a-Willy dildo feels good, too. It’s very sturdy, yet soft, which is what you’d want out of dildo. Given how the main draw of Clone-a-Willy is its detail, I’m pleased to say that Empire Labs went above and beyond with quality silicone to ensure function matched form. 

What I don't like about Clone-a-Willy

It’s finicky

Cardboard being held over top of tube.
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

The Clone-a-Willy dildo did not match the size of our testing equipment.

My excitement for my cloned willy deflated and went limp after a few seconds of holding it. While the detail and build quality were astounding, it still ultimately came up short.

Really short.

My erectile doppelganger is about half as long as the genuine article. Given the entire point is to be a copy, size indeed matters here. Clone-a-Willy is finicky enough that following the instructions to a tee doesn’t guarantee success. 

We sent a Clone-a-Willy kit to our testing labs in Cambridge, MA, and they experienced similar results. We cloned a balloon animal, a cucumber, and a replica of the Empire State Building, the latter of which shrank in a similar manner to my at-home test.

The vibrator is bad 

Base being unscrewed.
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

To use the vibrator, you have to unscrew the base.

You can tell that the dildo is the star of the show just by looking at the vibrator. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice that it’s included, but it could be nicer.

The vibrator sports no bells nor whistles to speak of. You can’t change the intensity of the vibration, nor can you set the type of vibration. Given the Clone-a-Willy’s association with long distance couples, it would be nice if it could be controlled remotely via Wi-Fi, a laLovense, but alas, “Method of Modern Love,” this ain’t. The vibrator doesn’t even have a power switch; you have to unscrew the cap to turn it off. 

Furthermore, lab testing revealed that the vibrator isn’t waterproof, with water entering the battery compartment. The technical term our lab used to describe the vibrator is “janky AF.”

It’s stressful

Being successful in cloning my penis wouldn’t have made the process any less anxiety-inducing. I thought Clone-a-Willy would be a chore when I first unfurled the instruction pamphlet and now, 13 steps and two failed attempts later, I stand by that assessment. 

There are so many time-sensitive steps that the process of cloning a penis is nerve-wracking for whoever’s tasked with mixing everything. Alone, I found Clone-a-Willy so stressful that I couldn’t get a mold. I was able to do it with help, but it was still demanding enough to put a damper on the evening. 

Our testing lab elected to use a phallic-shaped food and they still found the mold-making process to be challenging.

It’s expensive

Without any extras, a Clone-a-Willy kit costs $50 plus shipping. If you want to add balls to your cloned penis, you’re looking at $80 instead. The lab and I both agree that you’re better off buying extra molding powder, which will raise the price even further. 

It’s certainly not the most expensive sex toy I’ve seen, but you can get a just-as-detailed dildo for a lot less, and the rudimentary vibrator isn’t adding much value here. Really, the only thing the Clone-a-Willy offers that other toys don’t is the personalized aspect. Everything else is done better elsewhere and for a lot cheaper, to boot. 

A lot of stuff is missing

There are quite a few items that you’ll need that don’t come with the Clone-a-Willy kit. Some are omitted because they’re optional while others are likely things that you already have on hand, like scissors, tape, and a marker. But others are necessary for doing the mold properly, like measuring cups and an insulated water bottle (a water bottle or thermos will make the process of cloning a penis just a bit less stressful—using an insulated container will make it so you’re not on a time crunch to keep the water 90º). 

Should you buy Clone-a-Willy?

Probably not

Dildos made from Clone-a-Willy
Credit: Reviewed / Tim Renzi

You're better off just buying a pre-made dildo.

While the novelty of Clone-a-Willy aroused my interest, ultimately I find it hard to recommend. The price leaves a lot to be desired, as you’re not getting much for a standard — albeit personalized — dildo and vibrator. The finicky, frustrating process of getting said dildo heavily outweighs the novelty. You’ll likely need a partner to help you. If going solo, it’s practically a requirement to arm yourself with a cock ring, a penis pump, and/or Viagra.

If you’re desperately looking for a replica of your penis, then perhaps Clone-a-Willy is worth the hassle. But if you’re looking for a simple and fun toy for solo or couple play, we recommend looking elsewhere.

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