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  • Tour & Design

  • Sound Quality

  • Isolation

  • Comfort

  • Usability

  • Apple iPhone 3G S Headphones Comparison

  • Beyerdynamic DT 770 Comparison

  • Shure SE115 Comparison

  • Audio Technica ATH ESW9 Comparison

  • Conclusion

  • Ratings & Specs

  • Tour & Design
  • Sound Quality
  • Isolation
  • Comfort
  • Usability
  • Apple iPhone 3G S Headphones Comparison
  • Beyerdynamic DT 770 Comparison
  • Shure SE115 Comparison
  • Audio Technica ATH ESW9 Comparison
  • Conclusion
  • Ratings & Specs

Tour & Design


The AblePlanet PS500MMs are a set of on-ears with a microphone and
in-line volume control.




The ear cups are smaller than we typically see on a set of on-ears.




The back of the ear cups are semi-open. They can tilt back and forth
on the band.


The head band has soft padding on its underside and can extend.




Part of the way down the cord is the control pendant. The front of
the pendant has an on/off toggle for the mic, as well as a volume
control dial on the side.



The cord ends in two 1/8-inch plugs. The green one is the headphone
plug and the pinkone is for the mic.





Here's what the headphones look like on HATS. Note how much of
HATS's ears are showing around the padding.




In The Box

In the PS500Ms' box you'll find a pouch. The headphones are also in
there, but that's about it.



Durability     (*6.25**)*

These headphones seem durable enough. They have a thick cord, not a
lot of moving parts, and seem to be manufactured well. The ear padding
is covered by a soft skin that might be punctured if you have spiky
earrings, but should stand up to extended use. Also, the ear cups can
tilt, which can lead to wear and tear. The cord guards are decent. The
mic sticks straight out, so make sure you don't step on it.





Aesthetics     (*5.00**)*

For a set of headphones with a mic, these aren't bad. They do look
rather like the ones you see at a fast food drive through, but that
aesthetic comes with the territory. The tiny ear cups might make the
headphones look a bit strange on your head, but since we can only
fathom guesses as to what lies atop your neck, we can't really make a
judgment about that.


Overall, we liked the look of the PS500MMs, but the mic adds some
nerdy to the picture, and that's not a look that some people may find
appealing. Of course, this is our opinion, which likely differs from
your own personal style. What we're saying is this: follow your heart.


Sound Quality


About our testing:**

For more information on our tests, read this


Frequency Response    

What we found:

The PS500MM headphones started out with a decent enough frequency
response. They had a good bass level that didn't get boomy towards the
low end. Then something terrible happened. After about 800Hz, the
response gradually begins to roll off. Just before 7kHz, the response
falls off precipitously, before bumping back up. After this point it's
a bit inconsistent.

The oddly inconsistent response lead to the headphones producing a
muffled, flat souind. The lower end fared much better, but the high-end
issues will likely turn a majority of listeners off of the PS500MMs.

How the AblePlanet PS500MM compares:

What is frequency response?

Your headphones' frequency response describes the degree to which they
emphasize certain frequencies. Some headphones actively crank up or
dampen frequencies to provide a dynamic, unique sound. Some headphones
strive for accuracy, trying to alter emphasis as little as possible.

How the test works:

To test frequency response, we employ our trusty testing companion,
HATS. We toss the headphones on HATS, then play a frequency sweep
through them. HATS graciously records the playback, using the really
expensive microphones it has for ears. Now that we have the recorded
playback, we can match it back up against the original sound file. This
way we can see exactly what the headphones are doing to alter the
music. If you have additional questions about our tests, despite this
excellently-worded passage, then this is the link for you.


Distortion     (*10.20**)*

What we found:

The PS500MMs had negligible distortion levels, resulting in a good
performance score. What this means is that you'll hear the music the
way it was intendede to sound, without the headphones adding distortion
that wasn't in the original recording. We really don't have much more
to say about it than that. Please enjoy the complimentary block of
empty space before the comparison table!

How the AblePlanet PS500MM compares:

**What is distortion?
*Distortion refers to any changes the headphones make to
your playback. Typically this is unwanted, but several 'hip' genres
employ distortion filters heavily. If you are one of the cool kids who
listens to this sort of music, then distortion probably won't be a huge
problem for you. If you're a classy individual who likes classical
music and barbershop quartet-style a capella, the distortion
will likely cause your top hat to spring clear off your head.

How the test works:

This test is another marvel of juxtaposition. We put the headphones on
HATS. We play a sound file through the headphones. HATS records the
playback. HATS relays the data back to our computer (picture something
really cool and sci-fi for this part). SoundCheck then looks for
differences in the sound waves themselves, independent of emphasis and
other such nonsense. Using this data, we get the helpful graph above,
and that's how our distortion results are made. For more insight into
this process, click
this needlessly long, hyperlinked phrase.


Tracking     (1.71)


What we found:

As foreshadowed by the frequency response graph, the PS500MMs didn't
have the greatest tracking. It was pretty even for a long while, then
the right channel has a heart attack towards the high end and drops way
down, leading to the left channel seeming far louder at those

How the AblePlanet PS500MM compares:


**What is tracking?
*Tracking is a slightly unintuitive term that means 'the
degree to which both channels are outputting the same volume level.'
Basically, ifcertain frequencies sound louder in one ear than the
other, the headphones have bad tracking. If they're playing exactly the
same decibel level across the entire frequency spectrum, then they have
magically ideal tracking.

How the test works:

Our tracking test is basically the same thing as our frequency response
test, only more focused. Instead of looking at overall emphasis, we
only compare one channel to the other. When one is louder than the
other, the blue line in the graph above will rise or fall away from
zero. When the line goes above zero, it's indicating the left channel
is louder. When the line falls below zero, the right channel is louder.
As always, please direct all further questions to this



Maximum Usable Volume     (10.00)

What we found:

The headphones had a decent maximum usable volume. We were able to pump
them up to 121.89 dB without getting a high level of distortion. This
is loud enough that it's harmful over long periods of time. If you love
damaging your hearing, these headphones are for you.


What is maximum usable volume?

Most headphones are capable of meeting your volume needs. Turn the
volume up enough and they'll blast your ear drums to sweet oblivion.
The real question is whether or not you can deafen youself with a
relatively low distortion level. When volume is increased, distortion
gets exacerbated.

How the test works:

This test is a series of distortion tests. We increment the distortion
level each time until the overall distortion levels exceed 3%. If you'd
like more of an explanation, read our 'How We Test' article, here.


Isolation     (2.34*)*

What we found:

The PS500MMs didn't isolate from outside sounds particularly well. They
block out some high frequency noise, but don't do much for the low end.
This shortcoming probably won't be an issue, since you're unlikely to
be using these headphones on a noisy bus or train.

How the AblePlanet PS500MM compares:


What is isolation?

Isolation refers to the amount of noise a set of headphones are capable
of blocking out. There are currently two technologies on the market for
isolation: active cancellation and passive isolation. Active
cancellation uses super science power to actually negate incoming
sound. The headphones have a microphone and listen to incoming sound.
They then play back the same sound at an inverse amplitude. This
process is typically power-intensive and requires auxiliary battery
power. The second isolation strategy can be accomplished by simply
virtue of being solid. Passive isolation means something is physically
blocking your ear.

How the test works:

We test isolation by blasting the headphones and HATS with pink noise.
HATS records any sounds that make it to it's robot ears. We then
compare HATS' data to the original sound file to see exactly how much
sound was blocked out. To learn more about this test, read this


Leakage     (1*0.00**)*

What we found:

The PS500MMs did a good job controlling leakage. We found that a slight
whisper was all that was audible in a quiet room. Of course, this test
assumes you won't be yammering away on the microphone, asking for heals
or screaming obscenities at campers.

What is leakage?

Leakage refers to any sound that's audible outside of the
ear-headphones junction. Leakage is typically bad, because it's
annoying to everyone around you. In a private setting, no one will care
if your headphones leak. But if they are sitting next to you on the
couch or on the bus, they will care.

How the test works:

Our leakage test involves a microphone set up a few inches away from
HATS, which is outfitted with the headphones. The headphones play back
some pink noise, and the external microphone picks up anything that's



Short-Term Use    

We thought the PS500MMs were a bit awkward at first. They're on-ears
with tiny ear pads. It felt a bit odd to have such a small portion of
the ear covered. They weren't too tight or anything, they just took
some getting used to.


The ear cups are small, which feels a bit uncomfortable at first.



Extended Use    

Once we were used to the fit, the headphones were quite comfortable.
They didn't exert a lot of pressure, either on the sides or top of the
head. The mic can adjust to a comfortable position.



There isn't a whole lot you can do with customization. The PS500MMs
cover the basics, such as tilting ear pads and an extending band. You
can also bend the mic into various shapes, which was admittedly amusing
for a few minutes. There aren't any pad replacements, faceplates, or
other customization options included.





Cable Connectivity    


The PS500MMs' cord is 6.5 feet in length. The cable should be a good
length if you're looking to use the headphones for PC gaming. It will
not, however, be a good length of cord for console gaming, unless your
console is located very close to your couch.


The cable ends in two seasonally festive 1/8-inch plugs. One is for
the audio, and one is for the mic.



There's also a USB adaptor included that merges the two outputs and
allows you to connect them to a computer and use them as a seperate
sound device from your sound card.




Portability     (*0.92**)*


Due to their design, the PS500MMs aren't very portable. Their cord
is long and ends in two plugs. The headphones themselves are on-ears,
so they're not as portable as a set of in-ears, despite having the
tiniest ear cups ever. They also have a mic, which looks awkward
outside of the gaming/telemarketing setting.


The headphones also come with a small sack to carry them around in.
It doesn't help much more than any old pocket or brown paper bag would.



Maintenance     (2*.00**)*


Unlike most on/over-ear headphones, the PS500MMs aren't the easiest
set to maintain. You can remove the ear padding and there are a few
screws on the band, but otherwise there isn't a lot you can do to fix
or clean your headphones.



Other Features    

Battery Dependency

The PS500MMs don't require batteries, which is awesome. Batteries are
lame and always die at inopportune times. We have therefore awarded
these headphones some points, as our way of saying, 'Thank you!'



The PS500MMs do have a microphone. In fact, we'd wager a guess that
'microphone' accounts for at least one of the M's in the product's
name. The other M is probably some sort of adjective, like 'marvelous,'
or 'mighty.'


Speculation aside, the mic is implemented well. It's attached to the
headphones via a bendable arm. There's also an in-line control pendant
for switching the feature on and off.



Volume Control

There's also a volume control. It's a wheel design, which we're not too
keen on. Often the wheel is very easy to turn, so any movement on your
behalf will spin it in some direction. This being said, unless you're
playing some sort of team-based DDR variant on your computer, you
probably aren't planning on moving around a lot with these.



Apple iPhone 3G S Headphones Comparison




Both sets of headphones are a bit blah. The Apple headphones are
white and clean and were once chic. Now their charm has been laid to
waste by their rampant proliferation. The PS500MMs are decent enough,
but don't have any flair to them.

In terms of durability, the PS500MMs win this match-up by a long shot.



Sound Quality


The PS500MMs have a bit of an issue in their high end. The Apple
headphones have a much more even frequency response throughout the
whole frequency spectrum.



The PS500MMs had very low distortion levels. The Apple headphones
had a bit of an issue with their low end.



The PS500MMs have a bit of a spike in their tracking towards the
high end. If they hadn't had that, the two headphones would've had
similar tracking scores.




The PS500MMs have better isolation than the Apple headphones. Since
you're more likely to use the Apple headphones on the go, it's more
important that they have isolation (and they don't).




Both sets of headphones are slightly uncomfortable. While the
PS500MMs get more comfortable over time, the Apple headphones pop




In terms of being just headphones, we think the PS500MMs are better.
In terms of being a set of headphones with a mic, we think the PS500MMs
are better. The Apple headphones are better for portability, obviously.

Beyerdynamic DT 770 Comparison




The DT770s look better than the PS500MMs and have a slightly better
construction overall.



Sound Quality

Both headphones have a decent bass and an erratic high end. The
PS500MMs are more erratic in their high end, and dampen quite a few
chunks of the frequency spectrum.


Neither set of headphones has distortion levels worth worrying about.


While the PS500MMs have better tracking overall, that spike towards the
high end is definitely cause for concern. One thing to note is these
two graphs have different X-axis: the PS500MMs' graph only extends to




Both sets of headphones have similar isolation levels. Neither one
is particularly good.




We thought the DT 770s were more comfortable overall; the larger
cups are more confortable for extended use.




If you're looking for audio quality, the DT 770s are a much better
set of cans. If you're looking for a set of gaming headphones, the
PS500MMs make up a more budget-oriented option; purchasing the DT 770s
and a separate mic will likely be expensive and more awkward to use. If
you're a DIY-minded person, however, it might make for a fun project.

Shure SE115 Comparison




As in-ears, the SE115s are less durable than the PS500MMs. Neither
have an aesthetic worth mentioning.



Sound Quality


Both headphones screw up their high end with erratic responses. The
SE115s manage to be slightly less erratic.



Neither set of headphones have troublingly high distortion levels.
No one will notice any in either.



The SE115s didn't have any messups before the 7kHz mark (their graph
goes to 20kHz; we've since stopped displaying this information because
it wasn't 100% accurate). Aside from the PS500MMs' spike, both
headphones have equivalent tracking.




If isolation is what you're after, the SE115s are the way to go.




Most of the comfort/discomfort will come from the differing form
factors. The PS500MMs' on-ear design boasts small ear pads, which feel
a bit awkward initially if you're not used to them. The SE115s' in-ear
design mandates wrapping the cord around the back of your ear.




Obviously, these headphones are meant for two different functions.
The PS500MMs are meant for at-home gaming, while the SE115s are meant
for use with a portable media player. The SE115s have better audio
quality overall, but probably wouldn't be a good alternative if you're
looking for a gaming headset.

The SE115s also don't come with a mic right out of the box: it requires
a separate purchase.

Audio Technica ATH ESW9 Comparison




The ATH-ESW9s are swanky looking and feature a slightly better
construction overall.



Sound Quality

Like some of the other comparisons, neither the PS500MMs nor the
ATH-ESW9s have pristine high-ends. The ATH-ESW9s botch their high-end
less than the PS500MMs.


Again, distortion won't be an issue for either set of heapdhones.


The ATH-ESW9s have no issues below the 7kHz mark, whereas the PS500MMs
have a significant spike.




Neither set of headphones do much to isolate you from outside sound:
both only block a small amout of high frequency noise, but let through
a lot of low frequency rumbles.




We thought the PS500MMs were a bit odd initially, with their tiny
ear pads. The ATH-ESW9s were also uncomfortable, due to their tight
fit. Unlike the PS500MMs, however, we thought the ATH-ESW9s got less
comfortable over time.



Unless you're looking for incredible audio quality, we'd recommend
the PS500MMs for gamers. For your purposes, gamer, the ATH-ESW9s are
too expensive and don't come with the convenient mic.



Ratings & Specs



Meet the tester

Mark Brezinski

Mark Brezinski

Senior Writer


Mark Brezinski works on the Home Team, reviewing refrigerators, minifridges, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, air conditioners, air purifiers, and fans.

See all of Mark Brezinski's reviews

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