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You can get Martha Stewart's Thanksgiving dinner delivered—here's how

We find out if this frozen holiday meal is worth the price tag.

The Martha Stewart Complete Thanksgiving Dinner from Williams Sonoma includes a turkey and six sides. Credit: The Martha Blog / Williams Sonoma

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Picture this: It’s Thanksgiving morning and you stumble out of bed toward the kitchen to make a large pot of coffee and preheat the oven so you can get your turkey cooked in time for dinner. You open your bedroom door and there she is—Martha Stewart is bright eyed, bushy-tailed, and dressed like a J.Crew model, already elbow-deep in your Thanksgiving turkey, filling it with her signature stuffing.

Since that’s probably never going to happen, the pre-made Martha Stewart Complete Thanksgiving Dinner by Williams Sonoma is the next best thing. And because I’d love nothing more than to wake up to queen Martha cooking my holiday meal, I had to see what this collaboration was all about and put this feast to the test.

How does it work?

My turkey arrived perfectly cold thanks to an abundance of ice gel packs.
Credit: Reviewed / Madison Trapkin

My turkey arrived perfectly cold thanks to an abundance of ice gel packs.

For $359.95, you can be the proud recipient of one of Martha Stewart’s Complete Thanksgiving Dinners for eight. Note: For Thanksgiving delivery, order by Nov. 20, 2020, 11:59pm PT, for delivery on November 25.

The dinner includes:

  • 12-14 lb. Willie Bird Fresh Free-Range Turkey
  • Mushroom, Leek, and Herb Stuffing
  • Classic Cranberry Sauce
  • Celery Root and Yukon Gold Potato Puree
  • Cauliflower Custard
  • Sweet Potato Puree with Browned Butter Maple Syrup
  • Apple Cranberry Crisp
My bird got the Southern treatment with a rub made of brown sugar, smoked paprika, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper.
Credit: Reviewed / Madison Trapkin

My bird got the Southern treatment with a rub made of brown sugar, smoked paprika, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper.

The turkey is shipped directly from the farm and arrives separately from the frozen sides. It arrives frozen, so be sure to pop it in the refrigerator the night before you’re going to cook it. You can find Martha Stewart’s recommendation for turkey preparation on the Williams Sonoma website, or you can cook it according to your preference. As a Southerner at heart, I went with this Southern-style rub and cooked my bird according to our guide to turkey roasting for first-timers like me.

Each side is individually wrapped then packed together in a styrofoam box topped with dry ice to keep things cool during shipping. Be sure to take care when unpacking by wearing gloves or oven mitts to protect your hands from dry ice frostbite—it’s a real thing!

The sides come frozen and are packed with dry ice, so be careful when handling.
Credit: Reviewed / Madison Trapkin

The sides come frozen and are packed with dry ice, so be careful when handling.

To heat, follow the instructions on the packaging for each side. The dishes all reheat at 375°F, but some have slightly different cooking times and others require you to stir halfway through. The cranberry sauce comes fully frozen and must be thawed in the refrigerator overnight, so make sure to plan ahead.

In terms of gravy, you’re sort of on your own here. The product page lists a recipe for “Giblet Stock,” but this is only a component of the final gravy. Luckily, Martha comes to our rescue once again with this recipe for perfect turkey gravy on her website.

What we like

In classic Thanksgiving fashion, these tasty beige side dishes were my favorites.
Credit: Reviewed / Madison Trapkin

In classic Thanksgiving fashion, these tasty beige side dishes were my favorites.

The best thing about the Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Dinner is how little cleanup there is after you’re done eating. (There’s nothing worse than having to clean a whole kitchen when you’re stuffed!) The second best thing is not having to grocery shop because dinner is delivered to your doorstep.

In terms of the food, the Willie Bird turkey is free-range, meaning the birds are raised naturally, allowed to roam free as they grow—and in my experience, this makes for great-tasting meat. The turkey I received was 10.7 pounds as opposed to the 12-14 pounds quoted on the product page, but I actually liked this better as there are three of us in my home and only two meat-eaters. I also really liked the freedom to cook the turkey as I liked, rather than a predetermined recipe.

A few of the sides were downright delicious, including the stuffing, the crisp, and the cranberry sauce. Martha’s take on stuffing isn’t my grandma’s hand-torn-white-bread-goodness, but the mushroom, leek, and herb situation she’s crafted is really tasty and when heated maintains a delightful fluffiness that I didn’t expect from a frozen bread dish.

Martha’s cranberry sauce contains strips of orange peel, meaning some bites have a zesty surprise and I’m not mad about it. For reference, my family’s Thanksgiving table always features two types of cranberry sauce: a plate of sliced canned cranberry sauce and a bowl of my mom’s homemade rendition, which tastes a lot like the cranberry sauce in this box.

The crisp ticks all the boxes I want in a non-pumpkin pie Thanksgiving dessert: fruit, tart, and crunch. I’d highly recommend topping it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream if you’re not too full from dinner.

What we don’t like

These potato dishes were good in flavor, bad in texture.
Credit: Reviewed / Madison Trapkin

These potato dishes were good in flavor, bad in texture.

Unlike every turkey I’ve watched my mom cook, this turkey didn’t come with a giblet package, which meant I didn’t have any giblets to use for making gravy. And even though the product page lists thorough instructions for the turkey, it would’ve been more helpful to have a printed recipe to reference instead of constantly having to make sure my phone screen didn’t go black whilst my hands were covered in turkey juice.

In this Thanksgiving dinner, not all sides were created equally. The sides supposedly serve eight, but I found the portions were much closer to servings for six. However, the turkey would’ve been plenty for eight people.

The cauliflower custard was really watery when baked and tasted of freezer burn. The sweet potato puree was well-flavored, but the texture was like elevated baby food. I didn’t hate it, but I prefer my Thanksgiving sweet potatoes in slices or chunks rather than a puree.

Like Martha, my mom also loves to switch up the mashed potato recipe occasionally, and it makes me very sad. I’m a mashed potato purist, so the celery root and yukon gold potato puree in this box wasn’t my favorite. The flavor was okay, but the celery root gave it a more vegetal texture than I like my taters to have.

Perhaps the most difficult part of this whole dinner, besides cooking the turkey, was managing the slight differences in directions for the sides. It would’ve been really helpful to have all the cooking times in one place rather than having to reference six different sets of heating instructions. Additionally, the temperature of my oven dropped while everything cooked because I chose to heat all size sides at once, which seems unavoidable if you’d like everything hot when it’s time to eat.

Is the Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Dinner worth it?

The Martha Stewart Thanksgiving Dinner from Williams Sonoma is worth it if you don’t feel like grocery shopping and you’re interested in cooking a turkey, but you’re not so much into cooking sides. At about $45 per person if you’re feeding eight people rather small portions, the price is pretty high if you consider the 2019 Farm Bureau estimate of around $50 for an entire Thanksgiving dinner for 10.

However, this particular Thanksgiving feast gets the Martha Stewart stamp of approval, and some would say that’s priceless.

Since half of the frozen sides were excellent, two were OK, and the Willie Bird turkey turned out really well, I’d consider this a win for Martha and the folks at Williams Sonoma.

Get your Martha Stewart Complete Thanksgiving Dinner from Williams Sonoma for $359.95

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