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Kodak Opens Two Temporary Digital Photo Galleries

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*November 3, 2005 - *Have you ever been to a digital photo gallery? If you live near New York City, from November 1-27 you can attend Kodak’s temporary One Gallery, on Wooster Street in SoHo. The gallery showcases digitally-shot photographs, as well as several Kodak products which visitors can examine and play with. Visitors can also make prints with the available equipment for free.

For those on the west coast, a second gallery is open on Union Street in the Marina district of San Francisco.

The One Galleries particularly showcase the EasyShare-one and Kodak’s Wi-Fi enabled printer, the EasyShare 500, and are also in celebration of Kodak’s digital imaging revenue exceeding revenue from traditional film products (which we covered here).

The products at the galleries are for sale elsewhere, though not at the exhibit itself.