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Digital Camera No. 1 Tech Purchase in 2005, GMI Predicts

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March 11, 2005 *– Digital cameras are the number one planned technology purchase for 2005 worldwide, according to a study released yesterday by Global Market Insite, Inc. The company surveyed 20,000 consumers in 20 countries and found that 59 percent feel they need more technology in their lives.

In relation to the demand for digital cameras, home printing equipment will also be a hot purchase item in 2005. Wireless devices will also sell off the shelves, according to the survey. 63 percent of survey respondents upgrade their mobile telephones most often. Purchasing influences vary worldwide. In China and India, advertising is the number one persuasive factor of buyers’ decisions. Almost everywhere else, word of mouth is the most powerful influence. In all countries, editorial content, product placement, and celebrity endorsements influence consumers’ choices in that order. So how many Canon digital cameras did Maria Sharapova sell this year?