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CompactFlash Association Announces Work Group for SATA Interface

This week, the CompactFlash Association (CFA) announced they have formed a group to work on developing a CompactFlash card with a SATA (Serial ATA) interface.

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July 19, 2007 – The CompactFlash Association (CFA) this week announced it has formed a group to work on developing a CompactFlash card with a SATA (Serial ATA) interface.

"The development of a CompactFlash card with a SATA interface will maintain the dominance of CompactFlash in the nonconsumer (embedded systems, single board computers, data recorder, etc.) markets as well as promote its use in other applications. Having the SATA interface will be a significant step for CompactFlash," said Shigeto Kanda, a Canon executive and CFA chairman, in a press release.

Currently, cards run on a Parallel ATA (PATA) interface with a data rate of up to 133 MB per second. The SATA interface uses a thinner cable that allows for accelerated data rates and transfers.

Members of the CFA may apply to be included in the SATA working group. Progress of the development will be posted on the CFA website.