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Bibble Version 4.9.8 Released, Adds New Cameras and Features

Last week, Bibble Labs announced the launch of version 4.9.8, adding the Canon 1D Mark III, Fujifilm S5 Pro, Nikon D40x, Olympus E-510, E-410, AND SP500 UZ and Panasonic FZ8 to the list of cameras for which it provides complete support.

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June 11, 2007 - Last week, Bibble Labs announced the launch of Bibble Pro version 4.9.8, adding the Canon 1D Mark III, Fujifilm S5 Pro, Nikon D40x, Olympus E-510, E-410, and SP-500 UZ, and Panasonic FZ8 to its list of supported cameras.

The latest release provides broader tethered shooting support for newer Canon cameras in the sRAW format for Intel Mac and Windows Vista. Current Bibble 4 customers will be able to upgrade for free.

'We are excited to provide complete support for Canon's new 1D Mark III in this latest version,' said Eric Hyman, President and CEO of Bibble Labs, in a press release. 'By providing support for RAW, sRAW and tethered shooting on Mac and Windows computers, we are ensuring that Mark III owners will be able to take full advantage of every feature of this remarkable new camera. Pairing the Mark III's already impressive ISO 6400 mode with the included Noise Ninja technology opens a whole new realm of low-light and available light shooting situations while producing stunning results in the least time possible.'

The latest update has also added support for Fujifilm’s Wide Dynamic Range technology with Highlight Recovery and Fill Light tools, and provides tethered shooting for Fuji SLR’s.

Version 4.9.8 will be available in both the "Pro" and "Lite" professional workflow software offered by Bibble and is compatible with Windows, Macintosh, and Linux systems.

Bibble’s "Lite" software allows the user to select one platform (Windows, OSX, or Linux), with "Pro" giving the user access to all three platforms and adds multithreading, work queues, advanced copy and paste options, IPTC captioning support, tethered shooting support, and advanced Noise Ninja support. The "Lite" software costs $70, while "Pro" costs $130; a 14-day trial is available.