The X920 has no internal memory, which is one of the reasons for its cheaper-than-average $1,000 price tag. In countries other than the US, Panasonic may offer a version of the camcorder stuffed with 32GB of internal flash (the HC-X900M). Panasonic seems to think those of us in America would rather buy our own memory cards than have memory built into the camcorder (and they're probably right).
Video Review
Design & Usability
On the surface, the HC-X920 looks like a near-identical copy of its predecessor.
It's been four years since Panasonic launched its revolutionary HDC-TM300 camcorder, and over that timespan the company has put little emphasis on cosmetic changes to its flagship models. The new HC-X920 has the same utilitarian look of its predecessors: a solid frame with a bland aesthetic, but a slight aura of professionalism. This is not a gadget that screams cutting-edge or modern, so don't expect it to wow your techie friends. If you have the urge to turn the X920 into a high-tech gimmick, there's always the option of spending an extra $300 for a conversion lens that lets the camcorder shoot 3D video. Unless you own a 3D television, and you have a strong desire to shoot 3D video, this is not something we recommend.
Despite its stale design, the HC-X920 fits snugly into the palm of your hand, and, while we'd appreciate a comfier hand strap, the one provided by Panasonic does enable you to get a good grip. The large LCD and fantastic lens ring make shooting video fun, and the presence of a viewfinder offers a glimmer of hope when intense glare makes using the LCD impossible.
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A well-balanced camcorder that responds better in low light than last year's X900
There's much to love about the HC-X920's video performance, and the casual videographer shouldn't have anything to complain about. The camcorder excels in low light, needing only a small amount of illumination to record a detailed image (you could even shoot with a flashlight strapped to the camcorder and your video would turn out ok). Image sharpness was a bit worse than last year's HC-X900, but the X920 still captured crisp video. Unless you're doing video testing or shooting a lot of fine details, you won't have a problem with the X920's sharpness capabilities.
The camcorder's greatest performance flaw may be its auto white balance system, which didn't cooperate with our low light tests. The camcorder's videos had a cool tone that we couldn't get rid of unless we calibrated the white balance manually—and that's not the easiest task for a novice videographer.
WiFi Features
The new WiFi features are fun and cool, but they aren't always easy to work with.
Far and away, the biggest new feature on the HC-X920 is built-in WiFi. In fact, 2012 may go down as "The Year of WiFi" for camcorders, as nearly every manufacturer offered this feature in some form or another. Panasonic's system has a few unique traits, but it doesn't put forward anything revolutionary. And, as is usual for camcorders with WiFi, the setup process is extraordinarily frustrating.
If you have a smartphone and a WiFi connection—as well as plenty of time to troubleshoot—here is what you can do with the X920: use your smartphone to control the camcorder remotely or upload videos to the web via your phone's data connection, play back video wirelessly with a DLNA-compatible television, live stream with the camcorder after setting up an account with Lumix Club and Ustream, or use the X920 for home monitoring.
Our favorite feature, and the easiest one to set up, is the ability to use your smartphone as a remote control and viewfinder for the camcorder. This doesn't even require connecting the camcorder or your phone to the internet—you simply pair the two devices as a unit by turning the X920 into a WiFi hotspot. Also, you need to download Panasonic's free Image App for iOS or Android to make this happen.
For most of the WiFi features, you can expect to spend a good 15 or 20 minutes getting everything started and ready to go. Live streaming with the camcorder is probably the most difficult, as it requires you to create accounts for both the Lumix Club and Ustream service, as well as register and create a password for your camcorder. Luckily, if you keep using the X920 with the same smartphone or WiFi hotspot, then you'll only need to go through this setup phase once.
Manual Controls
New WiFi functions may please techies, but it's the classic manual controls that make this a useful camcorder.
Panasonic has included lens rings on its top models for many years, and it seems like the company has no intention of discontinuing this practice. The ring on the HC-X920 works extremely well for adjusting focus, but it can also be set to control zoom, aperture, shutter speed, or white balance with the click of a button. It's a smooth and pleasant experience, and it saves you from using the camcorder's flaky touchscreen interface.
As for the controls themselves, they're quite substantial, although the X920 doesn't offer quite as much control as the top model from Canon (the HF G20). You can set shutter speed and aperture, but you can't always set them independently, and gain control for boosting exposure is only an option when the iris is completely open. There are a few pro-level features that advanced videographers may appreciate: a manual focus assist, zebra patterns, on-screen markers and levels, a histogram, a luminance meter, and plenty of audio controls. For those looking for simple and fun effects, the HC-X920 includes a few digital filters, face detection and motion tracking, and a time-lapse record mode (not to mention all that WiFi nonsense).
The WiFi features are a good start, but we'd like to see more from Panasonic's next flagship.
Instead of offering radically improved performance and design, the HC-X920 builds only slightly on its predecessor, offering better low-light sensitivity, a few extra controls, and WiFi. The camcorder is still a winner, though, and you can't get much better performance out of a consumer camcorder than what the X920 is capable of. For a high-end model, the X920's $1,000 price tag isn't too shabby either.
Is this the best flagship camcorder on the market? Probably not. The Canon HF G20 did better in low light and has a few pro features that are absent on the X920, so it's ahead on our leader-boards for now. But the G20 is another model that represents an incremental upgrade over its predecessor, and it doesn't have any of those new WiFi features that seem to be on every other camcorder these days.
If you want a camcorder with a good all-around package, and you're interested in shooting 60p video and using WiFi functions, the HC-X920 is certainly a good choice. If its performance doesn't wow you, and you're willing to shell out a bit more cash, then you should consider switching over to a DSLR for your video needs. Even though it's an incremental upgrade, consumer camcorders don't get much better than this.
Science Introduction
First, some history: instead of using a single, large image sensor, the Panasonic HC-X920 includes a three-chip sensor array (which Panasonic brands 3MOS). This allows the camcorder to utilize a different sensor for each color in the RGB color space (one for red, one for green, one for blue), which, in theory, should result in better image quality.
Panasonic has used this system for a few years now, and a three-sensor setup is also commonly found on professional camcorders. For the HC-X920, though, Panasonic also drastically increased the size of its individual sensors—the backside-illuminated chips are up to 1/2.3-inches on the diagonal, much larger than the old 1/4.1-inch chips on last year's HC-X900. The megapixel count of each chip has also increased to 12 megapixels, which is four times the megapixels on the individual sensors in the HC-X900. That's a heck of a lot of megapixels when you add them all up: 38.28 megapixels, to be exact (3x 12.76 megapixels). Now, don't go around thinking this means the X920 is capable of recording a 38-megapixel image. The camcorder is limited by its individual sensors, so for still photos you still top out with an effective resolution of around 8.5 megapixels—around what you'd get from a cheap point-and-shoot camera.
Sharpness Performance
Crystal-clear images in bright light, but Panasonic's new sensor array may be too much for its own good
With these new, beautiful image sensors, we expected to see some changes in the X920's performance. What we didn't expect was the X920's sharpness results would actually be lower than what we got from last year's X900. In our test, the camcorder measured horizontal and vertical sharpness levels of 800 lp/ph at MTF 50—both of which are slight drops compared to last year. Could it be that these new sensors are loaded with too many pixels? Yes. That's exactly what we think. Remember, full HD video is only around two megapixels, while the X920 has an effective pixel count of around 8.5 megapixels. That means the camcorder is downsizing its image very aggressively, squeezing a huge amount of information into a much smaller video package.
This isn't to say the X920's sharpness performance is horrid. It's actually very good, even compared to other flagship camcorders. But the video would possibly look even better if the megapixel count weren't so darn high. Real-world images looked great, but looking closely at our test footage revealed problems with moire, oversharpening, and interference.
Low-Light Sensitivity
If you do a lot of shooting in the dark, the HC-X920 is one of your best options.
Panasonic's new sensor system may have resulted in worse sharpness scores from the HC-X920, but the camcorder did have improved low-light sensitivity compared to its predecessors. In fact, the camcorder is one of the best we've seen for low light videography, with only the Canon HF G20 requiring less light to record a usable video image. At its best, the X920 needed just 3 lux of illumination—about as much as you'd get from a candle—to record an image deemed bright enough for broadcast television. Not only does this make the X920 a great camcorder for low light, it's also a vast improvement over the HC-X900 (which was a good low light camcorder itself).

Motion & Detail
Panasonic's 60p mode is fantastic for capturing motion, but we saw some interference when using the 24p Digital Cinema setting.
Panasonic was the first major manufacturer to incorporate 1080/60p recording on its consumer camcorders, and the feature has shown excellent results over the past few years. Motion looks excellent when recorded with this setting, and the HC-X920 managed to capture significantly sharper video in the 60p mode than in its top 60i setting. Best of all, paused video looks crisp and detailed in the 60p mode, while the interlaced 60i video didn't always look smooth during playback.

If you want that film-like aesthetic, you must switch the HC-X920 over to Digital Cinema mode. This records video at a lower frame rate (24p), and the results are immediately noticeable. Video is choppier and less fluid, which gives it a dreamier quality. Unfortunately, we did notice some interference with the X920's 24p video when we played it back directly from the camcorder. Fast moving objects (like the rotating pinwheels in our test video) had splotches and blocks of artifacts that were ultimately distracting. We didn't notice this issue when we viewed 24p clips on a computer.
Color & Noise
The HC-X920's auto white balance mechanism posed a problem for the camcorder in certain lighting conditions.
With the right settings, the HC-X920 can produce video with beautiful colors. In our bright-light test, the camcorder had good saturation at 87%—a number that is low enough that allows you to boost color depth in post production if you prefer. Color error was 4.15, which is decent for a camcorder using auto white balance.
Shooting low light is where we saw problems. The auto white balance system gave videos a cooler tone than they should have, which nearly doubled the color error (to 8.16). Of course, the camcorder does have a manual white balance option (as well a a white balance shift function) that lets you fine tune the color accuracy if you want to put in the effort. But how many shooters actually have time for this? Do casual videographers carry around white cards in their pocket?
Noise wasn't much of a distraction with the HC-X920, even when shooting in very low-light situations. In bright light, noise averaged 0.5%, which is basically nothing. In low light we recorded noise percentages at three different light levels. First there was 120 lux, which is similar to a normally-lit indoor room (like a living room, restaurant, or bedroom). Noise averaged around 0.9% under this light level, which is good. Cutting the light in half (down to 60 lux) resulted in only a tiny increase in noise, raising the level to 1.0%. Again, this is a good performance for any camcorder.
The only huge increase in noise came when we shot in very dark settings, between 10 and 15 lux. Here we saw noise levels hovering between 1.5% and 1.75%—numbers that are quite low considering the dark environment. To put this in perspective, 15 lux is equivalent to shooting at dusk or recording video under a street lamp. Visually, noise is certainly perceptible in these low light shots, but the noise is fine and crisp, so the X920's image still retains a lot of detail. Many camcorders look awful in low light because noise turns the image into discolored much, but that's not the case with the X920.
Battery Life & Wide Angle
Like to shoot for long periods of time between charges? Start researching additional battery packs now.
Don't expect to be able to record much longer than 80 minutes on a fully-charged battery pack with the HC-X920. That's how long the camcorder lasted in our battery life test (well, 79 minutes to be exact), and that's a terrible performance for a flagship model. We hammered last year's HC-X900 for lasting just 88 minutes in this test, and the X920 lasted almost ten minutes less. Not good, Panasonic, not good at all.
At least there's something you can do about it, as long as you're willing to shell out extra cash. For around $150, Panasonic sells a larger battery pack—the VW-VBN260—that should last twice as long as the provided battery (the VW-VBN130). But $150 is a significant expenditure for a battery life that we think should come standard with a camcorder like the HC-X920.
The lens on the HC-X920 records with a field of view of 62.5°. Compared to camcorders from a few years ago, this is extremely wide, but new models from Sony tend to be even wider than the X920—with some coming close to a 70° angle of view.
Sample Video
Meet the tester
Jeremy is the video expert of our imaging team and's head of video production. Originally from Pennsylvania and upstate NY, he graduated from Bard college with a degree in film and electronic media. He has been living and working in New England since 2005.
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